Growth Enhancer ~ Super Nova

$59.99 (32 oz bottle)

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Increases growth, reduces stress, extra support for hibiscus.

Availability: In stock

We all know the look of a truly healthy hibiscus – glossy leaves, thick foliage, deep green color, and crisp new growth. We achieve this healthy glow with some of our hibiscus, but how can we get all our hibiscus plants to reach this glossy state of health? HVH is always looking for products that will take some of the mystery out of growing healthy hibiscus and yield healthier plants with less trouble for the grower. We lean toward natural products when we can, but have had difficulty finding natural products with standardized, consistent ingredients that we can count on that actually yield visible results. We have recently been testing several new growth enhancment and stress reducing products, and the results have been impressive.

Growth Enhancement

Our newest growth enhancer, Super Nova is a blend of Ascophyllum Nodosum extract, vitamins, amino acids and growth precursors that is designed to enhance the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients and to increase the overall vigor of the plant. From what we have seen in our garden, indoor house hibiscus, and greenhouse, these claims seem to be validated. Our hibiscus that have been treated with growth enhancers on a regular basis show more and crisper new growth, shinier leaves, more resistance to stress, and overall signs of healthier, lusher looking plants. We are heading into the hot part of summer when hibiscus sometimes start to sag a bit, but the hibiscus we have treated with growth enhancerss show fewer of these signs.

Growth enhancerss are not fertilizers and do not replace fertilizer. They are used as a supplement to your regular fertilizing program, the way humans add supplements to their regular food to increase nutrition and health. We have used it in conjunction with both our fertilizer and our hibiscus booster in our regular fertilizing program.

Stress Reduction

At HVH we are always looking for new products to solve specific problems we encounter with our own hibiscus. One problem that seems to crop up over and over is the frustration of trying to save a hibiscus that has gone into some kind of stress decline. Too often, we lose the hibiscus, despite all our expertise and efforts to save it. After the freezing winter that damaged and killed so many of our hibiscus, we became determined to find a product that would save a hibiscus that is still alive but greatly damaged by stress. Growth enhancers are proving to be that product for us! We are still in testing, but in our preliminary testing they are showing excellent results .

In the plant hospital section of our operations, we have an assemblage of 20 plants with a variety of stress-induced ailments like drought, overwatering, spider mite attacks, and root problems. Before treatment with growth enhancers, 14 of the plants were steadily declining and 4 showed some signs of new growth, but it was by no means vigorous growth. After one month of treatment with the smallest recommended dose of growth enhancers in each watering:


  • 18 plants showed significant, vigorous new growth, with new growing tips on several branches.
  • 1 plant showed significant growth on only one growing tip.
  • 1 plant still showed green tips but no new growth.
New Growth on a Stalk After Using Growth Enhancers
New Growth on a Stalk After Using Growth Enhancers
New Growth on a "Dead Stick" Plant after Using Growth Enhancers
New Growth on a "Dead Stick" Plant after Using Growth Enhancers


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